Osvojili smo nagradu “Zlatni ključ”...
Brošure i specifikacije
Brošure i specifikacije
Brošure i specifikacije
- All-Concrete Pontoons 2400, 2600, 3000
- Heavy Duty Pontoons 2700, 3300, 4300
- Premier Pontoons 2700, 3300
- Super Yacht Pontoons 3800, 4300, 4800, 5300, 6300
- Breakwater Pontoons 3300, 3800
- K-series Breakwater 3300K, 4300K, 5300K
- V-Series Concrete Floats
- System Pontoons 2400T
- System Pontoons 241, 200
- System Pontoons 242, 300
- Cottage Pontoons
- Villa Pontoons
- Access Bridges
- Steel Boat Booms
- Steel Mooring Fingers
- Buoys
- Fittings
- Pile Guides
- Concrete products
- Safety Equipment
- UNDER DESIGN FOR 2015-2016
The finished product is a tribute to all concerned...and it is a great point of reference for Marinetek.
Bill Green
Technical & Projects Director
Camper & Nicholsons Marinas Ltd
For many years ACI Club has reliable partner in MARINETEK NCP and their „know-how“ – „float-how“ approach is always assurance to have the best solutions, technology and quality possible.
Doris Peručić
Member of the board – CEO
ACI d.d.
Marinetek NCP delivered in extremely short term of 4 months 4 new pontoons to marina Agana that offer safety, stability and commodity to our clients. We are utterly satisfied with their services, competence and efficiency.
Sven Delić
Član uprave
U Marinetek NCP dobili smo prije svega partnera uz čiju će podršku, znanje i iskustvo Marina Kornati i Ilirija d.d. nadalje ostati jedna od tri vodeće nautičke luke na Jadranu, ali dodatno obogaćena i modernizirana implementacijom najboljih postojećih tehničkih rješenja.
Goran Ražnjević
Predsjednik uprave
Ilirija d.d.