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ECo marina – Development of Innovative Blue Technologies for Maritime Supra-structure

The project is supported by the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021, within the Business Development and Innovation Croatia Program.

These are funds for the promotion of business development and innovation for Croatia by the EEA of the Croatia Fund Norway / HR innovation (HR-NORWAY 1159).

“ECo marina – Development of Innovative Blue Technologies for Maritime Supra-structure” will be co-financed in the amount of 50% of the total project value of 995,459.76 EUR and includes the development of new products – Prototype production of newly developed innovative floating solutions based on detailed design for 3 models (Premier Composite Pontoon PEC series 3300, Breakwater Composite BRKC series 4300 and All concrete composite ACC series 2400).

The technological process of production, know-how and engineering will be additionally adapted to innovative materials that will be installed in new types of pontoons – composite reinforcements and expanded polystyrene cores.

Through this project, cooperation is being established with the Norwegian company Stadt Towing Tank – STT, which is in charge of mathematical analysis and testing of prototype pontoons.

The finished product is a tribute to all concerned...and it is a great point of reference for Marinetek.
Bill Green
Technical & Projects Director
Camper & Nicholsons Marinas Ltd
For many years ACI Club has reliable partner in MARINETEK NCP and their „know-how“ – „float-how“ approach is always assurance to have the best solutions, technology and quality possible.
Doris Peručić
Member of the board – CEO
ACI d.d.
Marinetek NCP delivered in extremely short term of 4 months 4 new pontoons to marina Agana that offer safety, stability and commodity to our clients. We are utterly satisfied with their services, competence and efficiency.
Sven Delić
Član uprave
At Marinetek NCP, we primarily got a partner with whose support, knowledge and experience Marina Kornati Ilirija d.d. will remain one of the three leading nautical ports on the Adriatic. It will also enrich and modernize our marina by the implementation of the best technical solutions.
Goran Ražnjević
President od the board
Ilirija d.d.


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