Marinetek offers the largest selection of pontoons and marine equipment in the world!
Marinetek Adriatic is specialized for the production and sale of all marine equipment under the brand Marinetek. Its offer includes a wide range of pontoons, from light wooden pontoons to heavy breakwaters, and a wide selection of standard and safety equipment for pontoons and marinas.

WHY Marinetek
Marinetek is internationally recognized supplier of marine equipment
Marinetek's stable and long-lasting brand provides customers around the world with high quality durable products. Marinetek's network of experts, subcontractors and partners guarantees reliability and great attention to detail.
Marinetek's extensive business experience in the field of marina and pontoon construction has exceptional international success.
The company’s owners and key employees have worked hard over the past 20 years to design, manufacture and assemble marina structures. Our experience is based on more than 1000 projects completed in more than 30 countries around the world.
Marinetek staff consists of a very experienced team of dedicated engineers, marina construction specialists and other experts.
Within the company, we have design and manufacturing departments, and our development production process includes close collaboration with major marina design companies, such as Port Tech, and with reputable European universities.
Zašto Marinetek
Pouzdan partner
Marinetek je medunarodno priznat kao isporučitelj opreme za marine.
Marinetekov čvrsti i dugotrajan brand osigurava klijentima širom svijeta visoku kvalitetu trajnih proizvoda. Marinetekova mreža stručnjaka, kooperanata i partnera garantira pouzdanost i veliku pozornost prema detaljima.
Bogato iskustvo
Marinetekovo bogato iskustvo u poslovanju na području konstrukcije marina i pontona omogućilo je izuzetan međunarodni uspjeh.
Vlasnici tvrtke i ključni zaposlenici su naporno radili proteklih 20 godina na dizajnu, proizvodnji i sastavljanju plovnih objekata za marine. Naše iskustvo se temelji na više od 1000 projekata završenih u više od 30 država širom svijeta.
Najveća stručnost
Osoblje Marineteka čini jako iskusan tim svjetskih inženjera specijalista za izgradnju marina, te drugih stručnjaka.
Unutar tvrtke imamo odjeljenja za dizajn i proizvodnju, a naš razvojni proizvodni proces uključuje i blisku suradnju s glavnim tvrtkama za projektiranje marina, kao što je Port Tech, te s uglednim europskim sveučilištima.