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ACI marina Skradin

Marina Skradin is located near the National Park Krka, along the river Krka and next to the Skradin town. Because of its position, beautiful nature and extraordinary cuisine for which Skradin is known, during the season marina achives the most significant income from short-term visitors. Special feature of the marina are big yachts whose owners chosen Skrading long time ago as one of the most desirable destination. After 20 years since the establishment of the marina, ACI Club as investor decided the extention and renovation of the old marina, with the basic idea for better quality service to visitors, especially to visitors with large vessels.



ACI Marina Skradin
ACI Club d.d.
Marina capacity:
220 berths, 4 berths for megayachts
Construction and installation of 4 different piers with anchoring systems for piers and vessels, complete installation and access bridges
900.000 €
Date of completion:
pontoons M3300HDS, M2700HD, M3820BRS ; Seaflex elements, Rolec service cabinets
Anchoring system for pier B with sliding elements and rails at the fortress; anchoring system and supply of megayacht up to 50 meters; ‘tailor made’ arched access bridge on the floating pontoons; Seaflex system of anchoring of pontoons

It was immediately noticed that the distance between pier A and B in Skradin bay is too small to accept vessels greater than 10 m in length. The coast along the pier B was cleared and leveled, we built concrete fortress that are wide apart 15 m and on them placed vertical rails – guides for pontoons. Instead of being anchored with chains a few meters from the coast, the pier B is installed next to the fortress thus saving 5-8 meters at intervals of pool and enabling to accommodate vessels up to 16 meters in length. This construction is unique in Croatia, but the idea came from colleagues in Danish Marinetek who used this system of anchoring pontoon in center of Kopenghagen.

Pier C has been replaced with 3 meters wide Marinetek Heavy Duty pontoon, and piers D and E were adapted by the request for acceptance of large vessels. They are composed of heavy breakwater elements M3820BRS, with mooring cleats with capacity of 100kN, and service cabinets with connections to 250Amp. On the outer side of pier E it is formed anchoring system for safe mooring of megayachts up to 50 m in length. Anchoring systems for piers C, D and are carried out with Seaflex elements.

The construction of the scaffolding element that was twenty years ago set up as a temporary access from pier A to pier B and to the rest of marina, has been replaced by ‘tailor made’ specially designed arched bridge, placed on Marinetek Heavy Duty floating pontoons. This construction provides exceptional flexibility and smooth transitions during the biggest changes in the level of water, and arched bridge provides the possibility for passing underneath the bridge for the local boats population. Marina itself gained one beautiful apperance, especially at night when the bridge and the passage beneath illuminates with LED lights.

The finished product is a tribute to all concerned...and it is a great point of reference for Marinetek.
Bill Green
Technical & Projects Director
Camper & Nicholsons Marinas Ltd
For many years ACI Club has reliable partner in MARINETEK NCP and their „know-how“ – „float-how“ approach is always assurance to have the best solutions, technology and quality possible.
Doris Peručić
Member of the board – CEO
ACI d.d.
Marinetek NCP delivered in extremely short term of 4 months 4 new pontoons to marina Agana that offer safety, stability and commodity to our clients. We are utterly satisfied with their services, competence and efficiency.
Sven Delić
Član uprave
At Marinetek NCP, we primarily got a partner with whose support, knowledge and experience Marina Kornati Ilirija d.d. will remain one of the three leading nautical ports on the Adriatic. It will also enrich and modernize our marina by the implementation of the best technical solutions.
Goran Ražnjević
President od the board
Ilirija d.d.


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